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Showing posts from September, 2021

Itch to Stitch Lagan Coat

 I made a sewing plan for this year about the things that are challenging to sew and the ones that I wanted to learn. One of them was sewing a lined coat. A real one. I was absolutely thrilled when Kennis from Itch to Stitch invited me to test Lagan coat. Itch to Stitch has brilliant instructions and I knew I could manage it with the rest of the testing team. I did :)  You can read all about Lagan coat here, there are also many photos from the testing team. I got so much inspiration I planned to sew another in bright color, but then all the tropical heat came along and I couldn't make myself to sew wool. But I have my grey coat and I'm so excited to show you all the photos of this classic design.    My Lagan is made from wool blend fabric that I bought from local fabric shop called Abakhan. It was 5-6€/m and I think it's perfect color for me though it does seem a bit boring (we had so many bright colors and beautiful fabrics in testing team, go and check out th...

Itch to Stitch Lagan mantel

 The post about Itch to Stitch Lagan Coat in English will be posted shortly too! This one is in Estonian :)  Mu selle aasta kindlaks plaaniks oli õmmelda endale mantel. Seega ma olin üliõnnelik kui talvel Kennis kutsus ITSi testijaid mantli lõiget testima. Ma olin kindel käpp!  Lagan mantel:  * on ühe nööbireaga (viie nööbiga, mis paigutatud keskjoonele) mantel, millel on: * printsessõmblused esi- ja seljaosal, et mantel paremini selga istuks * erinevad rinnakorvi suurused * kaheosalised varrukad * küljeõmblustes taskud * üleni voodriga Mantel on nii ilusa klassikalise lõikega, taljesse töödeldud ja samas piisavalt lihtne, et erinevate rõivastega kombineerida. Sobib kandmiseks kleidi või pükstega.  Alustuseks tuli lõige välja printida. Mina printisin A4 paberitele, kuid nagu alati on Itch to Stitch lõigete puhul võimalik ka A0 formaadis välja printida. Kindlasti tuleb jälgida, et prindiksid õiged leheküljed - lõige on erinevatele rinnakorvi suurustele erinev ja ...

Itch to Stitch Brasov top and another pair of Mountain View jeans

 As the weather turns colder here in Estonia, I'm sewing more warm items. I made Brasov wrap top and Mountain View pull-on jeans by Itch to Stitch and I feel cosy, warm and stylish in those.  My Braso v is made from polyester jersey with elastane. It's really soft and I love its beautiful color. It wasn't so easy to sew as this fabric moves and stretches easily, but I'm really happy with the end result. I definetely needed some more color in my wardrobe next to all the blues, greys and blacks I have there, so this purple is a nice pop of excitment and I think it suits me well. I used to hate purple tones when I was younger, but I think I just had to grow to love it. It reminds me the heather plants that are full bloom now in Estonia.   I didn't make any changes to the wrap top , I just followed the instructions of the pattern. The wrap top will probably fit me for a month or maybe two longer, then it would be too tight on my belly. On the photos I'm half way th...