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Itch to Stitch Pine Cove pajamas/pidžaamad

Who made me sew black fabric on the blackest month of a year? Nobody, but myself! Although - it is worth it! I made the Itch to Stitch Pine Cove pajamas and they are so comfy.

Kes küll sundis mind õmblema musta kangast aasta kõige pimedamal kuul? Ei keegi muu kui ma ise! Samas see on iga mustas kangas õmbluse otsimist väärt. Ma sain valmis Itch to Stitch-i uue lõike järgi Pine Cove pidžaamad ja need on hiiglama mugavad.

Can you even see that there's a pocket?

I used double gauze fabric (100% cotton) for this project. It's so soft, doesn't need any ironing, looks great and breathes really well. I think it's the perfect combination for this project. I made my pajamas according to the sizing chart - pajamas are loose fitting, adjustable and really comfortable while wearing. You can make the elastic on the pants exactly according to your waist measurement, you can tie your top to be more fitted or more relaxed. Nothing will be too tight or too loose with these!

My fabric is from local handicraft store/warehouse - Karnaluks. They don't list everything they have on their website and I was so happy when I found matching black with printed one. I like to wear black a lot and so this set with stars on the black fabric is perfect for singing some rock songs in the morning and feeling yourself well. 

Ma kasutasin puuvilla musliini oma pidžaamade jaoks. See on nii mõnus pehme kangas, ei vaja triikimist, näeb hea välja ja laseb kehal hingata vabalt. Ma arvan, et see on selle projekti jaoks ideaalne. Õmblesin oma pidžaamad vastavalt ITS-i suurustabelile: need on avarad, kohandatavad vastavalt kehale ja mugavad kanda. Pükste kummi saad valida täpselt nii pika nagu parasjagu soovid, pluusi laiust saad muuta sidudes paelad lühemalt või pikemalt kinni. Ei ole üldse tarvis muretseda, et midagi on kuskilt liiga lai või liiga kitsas. 

Mu kangas on pärit Karnaluksist. Nagu teada, siis nad kõike poes leiduvat oma veebilehele üles ei pane ja ma olin eriti õnnelik kui leidsin poest omavahel kokkusobivad üleni musta ja tähed mustal taustal kangad. Mulle meeldib musta värvi riideid kanda ja no tähed peaks ju täpselt magamisriietuseks sobima ;) Laulda saab nendes ka, eriti kui parasjagu hommikune juukseharjamine käsil.

After wearing pajamas for a day I realized I could make the top as a robe if I give it enough length. It can't be too difficult to make I think. Maybe I need a good morning robe and I don't even know it? I think I should go and buy some fabric for that... :P 

Pine Cove pidžaamasid kandes tabasin end mõttelt, et see pluus oleks väga äge hommikumantlina. Natuke pikendada ja olekski olemas, ei tundu väga raske. Ma muidu ei ole hommikumantli inimene, aga mul pole hommikumantlit väga ammusest ajast saati olnud... Äkki ma ei teagi, et mul on just see ese puudu? Peaks vist kangast ostma minema selle jaoks... :P 

Head õmblemist! Happy sewing ;)
