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Showing posts from 2020

Itch to Stitch Pine Cove pajamas/pidžaamad

Who made me sew black fabric on the blackest month of a year? Nobody, but myself! Although - it is worth it! I made the Itch to Stitch Pine Cove pajamas and they are so comfy. Kes küll sundis mind õmblema musta kangast aasta kõige pimedamal kuul? Ei keegi muu kui ma ise! Samas see on iga mustas kangas õmbluse otsimist väärt. Ma sain valmis Itch to Stitch-i uue lõike järgi Pine Cove pidžaamad ja need on hiiglama mugavad. Can you even see that there's a pocket? I used double gauze fabric (100% cotton) for this project. It's so soft, doesn't need any ironing, looks great and breathes really well. I think it's the perfect combination for this project. I made my pajamas according to the sizing chart - pajamas are loose fitting, adjustable and really comfortable while wearing. You can make the elastic on the pants exactly according to your waist measurement, you can tie your top to be more fitted or more relaxed. Nothing will be too tight or too loose with these! My fabric ... new website!

Do you know that Minerva ’s webpage has changed? It’s no longer just a shop to buy fabric, now it’s more like a place to get inspired and get the fabrics that you’ll love. Everybody in the making community can join Minerva, create a profile, share projects, follow other makers and get involved with the community.   What I like most about the new website is that if I’m interested in a fabric and someone has used it for making something – it will show on the fabric page. I can get so much more information about the fabric, how it drapes, how it looks like sewn up and so on. I think it’s fabulous!   I have my profile page on Minerva and it shows all the blog posts that I’ve written when using the fabrics, I’ve bought/have gotten from them. You can easily click on the fabric page and if you want, buy it for yourself too.   Go and check it out! And of course – follow me 😊   Kas sa teadsid, et e-pood on muutunud? See ei ole enam lihtsalt leht, kus käi...

Oooo! Õmblusajakirjad ja ideed

This time my post is only in Estonian language. I'm sorry!    Mulle meeldib väga plaane teha. Kraamin ikka oma kangavarud välja, tõstan hunniku ajakirju kokku ja siis lehitsen neid ja mõtlen, et mida ja millisest kangast. Mõnikord juhtub nii, et leian juba nagu peaaegu sobiva kanga ja lõike koosluse, aga midagi jääb puudu. Mis see midagi on, ma sõnadega välja öelda küll ei oska. Mõnikord on aga nii, et vaatan ajakirjas lõiget ja hetkega tean, millisest olemasolevast kangast ma seda õmblema hakkan. Kõike küll valmis õmmelda ei jõua, aga see ei sega üldse plaane tegemast ja unistamast.   Mulle väga meeldib selle jaki eest kaarjad hõlmad ja kinnitamiseks saaks kasvõi iga kord erinevat prossi kasutada.   Seekord oli mul hunnik uusi ajakirju, milles nii palju põnevaid ideid sees. Kui esimesel vaatamisel tundus, et see ei sobi ja teine ei sobi, siis teisel korral leidsin, et küll üks sobiks trennipluusiks, teine nägi eriti äge igapäevase pluusina välja ja nii eda...

Itch to Stitch: Arenal, Tallinn, Orono and Uvita tops with Liana skinny jeans

It's going to be a long post as I was on a sewing mission and got so many items done last week. Nothing motivates me better than knowing that I have a trip coming up and I could get photos and feel myself good in some new clothes. I focused making clothes that would be weather appropriate , warm and comfortable for walking in the woods and eating out with family. Nothing fancy, just much needed basics for everyday life.  See siin on pikk postitus, sest ma olin eelmine nädal õmblemise missioonil ja sain päris palju tehtud. Miski ei motiveeri mind rohkem kui teadmine, et reis on tulemas. Minu jaoks tähendab see alati, et saan teha kuskil uues kohas fotod ja tunda end uutes rõivastes hästi. Õmblesin rõivad, mis vastaks ilmale, oleksid soojad ja mugavad metsas jalutuskäikudeks ja väljas söömiseks koos perega. Ei midagi uhket ja kiiskavat, lihtsalt igapäeva rõivad.    Itch to Stitch Arenal top Itch to Stitch Arenal top I had several Itch to Stitch top patterns that I ...